CRS Video Training Series

CRS Video Training Series

A series of presentations by JK Managers intended to inform the CRS team of our products and offerings

Responsible Chris Broyles
Last Update 04/02/2024
Completion Time 7 hours 27 minutes
Members 7
General Knowledge Basic
CRS Training - Commercial Service

The video discusses the services provided by Commercial Service, including maintenance on heat pumps and various HVAC equipment. They handle both residential and commercial buildings, and offer a range of services from small home heaters to large chillers. They also mention their collaboration with other departments within the company.

CRS Training - Plumbing Service

The video discusses various topics related to plumbing services, including the types of services offered, the brands of fixtures used, and the importance of providing detailed information when calling for service. It also mentions the upcoming distribution of water testing strips and the availability of grab bar installations. The script concludes with a conversation about toilet replacements and the preference for in-person assessments before providing quotes.

CRS Training - Generator Install

This video provides a quick rundown of how generators work, including the process of installation, the types of generators, and the importance of battery backups. It also discusses the monitoring and maintenance of generators.